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October 18, 2024
GreentvAfrica News
EnvironmentNewsWorld News

WB: Developing new farming methods in Africa to deal with climate change.

WASHINGTON, March 8, 2024. The World Bank agreed to help Africa more with $40 Million in IDA grants to the Accelerating Impacts of (CGIAR) Climate Research for Africa project (AICCRA), a significant step towards advancing climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technologies and addressing critical gaps in climate resilience and food security.

This will aid Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Senegal, and Zambia. The financing will help in spreading new farming ways and tools. They will also give out info on climate and how to deal with it. Farmers and others will be better able to save their work and the land.

The goal is to assist the countries and people to get ready for changes in the climate and make better choices. They will help governments, groups, and others with information on weather and new tools. The plan will also try out new ways to help with fertilizer and the health of the land.

“We are committed to working closely with our partners to ensure that farmers and other stakeholders benefit from innovative solutions to address the challenges posed by climate change,” said Chakib Jenane, World Bank Regional Director for Sustainable Development. “Investing in climate-smart agriculture is essential for enhancing food security and economic development in a sustainable manner.”

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation intends to commit $18.8 million in parallel financing to catalyze AICCRA’s impact. Furthermore, the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) will provide $5 million to support the new hub for soil fertility.

“These collaborative efforts reflect a shared commitment to addressing the challenges posed by climate change and soil degradation in Africa,” said Boutheina Guermazi, World Bank Director of Regional Integration for Africa and the Middle East. “The effects of climate change on the food security situation in Africa calls for regional solutions and strong partnerships to achieve sustainable impacts and reduce poverty on a livable planet.”

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